Terms and Policies

Complaints policy

How do you make a complaint?

If you didn't get the service you expected from us, you can place a complaint through any of the following channels:

In our complaints box

Personally use the complaints box at our head office at Gefinor Center, Block E, Clemenceau St., Hamra, Beirut, Lebanon

By Mail

Regular mail addressed to our Customer Protection Unit at Gefinor Center, Block E, Clemenceau St., Hamra, Beirut, Lebanon

By Email

Contact us at complaints@montyfinance.com

By Phone

Call us at +961 1 734 020

On Our App

Reach out to our 24/7 service and support team via MyMonty app

On this website by completing the form below

What happens after you make a complaint?

Your complaint is transferred immediately without any interference to our Customer Protection Unit at our head office.

Our Customer Protection Unit will acknowledge your complaint within 3 business days.

Our Customer Protection Unit will promptly investigate your case. Upon receiving your complaint, our unit takes swift action, aiming to review and resolve it within a maximum of 15 calendar days from the submission date.In exceptional circumstances, we have the right to renew such 15 days period for one time only subject to notifying you of such renewal.

what if you're not happy with our response?

If you're not happy with our final response, you may file a complaint with the relevant Lebanese administrative or judicial authority.

In all cases, you may directly file a complaint to the relevant Lebanese administrative or judicial authority, without going through our Customer Protection Unit.

Complaints Form

* Indicates mandatory fields.

FOR YOUR SECURITY Do not include personal information such as account number or password in this form.

Please provide as many details as you can, such as reference number and method of contact.


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© 2025 Monty Finance SAL

mymonty.com.lb provides information about financial and electronic wallet products and services provided by Monty Finance SAL through its mobile application mymonty available on App Store and Google Play.

Monty Finance SAL is registered in Lebanon (Beirut Register of Commerce No. 73215), Gefinor Center, Clemenceau St., Hamra, Beirut, Lebanon and is authorized by the Central Bank of Lebanon (“BDL”) to operate as a financial institution (BDL Decision no. 23/6/98 dated 02 February 1998) and e-wallet service provider (BDL Decision no. 30/23/23 dated 21 July 23). Monty Finance SAL is listed on the BDL List of Financial Institutions under no. 23.

Information contained on mymonty.com.lb or mymonty app should not be construed as an offer, solicitation, advertisement, or promotion of financial and electronic wallet products and services in any country where such offer, solicitation, advertisement, or promotion is not permitted under applicable local law.